Friday, June 7, 2013

30 Things that Make my Life Better

1. Time with God
2. Connecting with Caid
3. Being in nature
4. Silence
5. Flossing
6. Good, deep conversations
7. Having a Sabbath
8. Climbing trees
9. Good books
10. TED talks
11. Dancing to fun music
12. Watching water (particularly the beach)
13. Exercising
14. A good run
15. Writing and knowing it was exactly what I wanted to convey
16. Doing something I have never done before
17. Talking to strangers
18. Showers, especially after being hot and sweaty
19. Libraries
20. Traveling
21. My 15 people. Yes, I have a list for that too
22. Popsicles on a hot day, tea on a cold one
23. Fresh fruit
24. Smiling. At others and at myself
25. Hugs from children I know I am making a difference in their lives
26. Making/eating from scratch
27. Investing in others. On purpose
28. Singing. Everywhere
29. Living Simply to give more
30. Giving thanks in everything

My solution for kids who won't eat their veggies.

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