Monday, June 24, 2013

30 Facebook Statuses

1.       “Rachel found where the deer and the antelope play,” when on a road trip out West.
2.       “Rachel is eating cheesecake.” That cheesecake was worth commemorating.
3.       “Rachel is gone. But not forever,” when leaving for Brazil.
4.       “Rachel is a bottle of shnortzazzle.” Obviously, that was when someone else got into my account and changed my status.
5.       “Rachel is scared of scorpions,” stating the obvious when coming face to face with the creatures.
6.       “Rachel found it,” just to make people ask what it was.
7.       “Rachel is right” to those who had forgotten.
8.       “Rachel got hit by a car.” But it was only my hand, and the car was going slow.
9.       “Rachel has more than one page of resolutions,” for the New Year.
10.    “Rachel loves you,” yes you!
11.   “Rachel has wet feet” on rainy days.
12.   “Rachel chooses Gilmore Girls over philosophy homework,” in my last semester of college.
13.   “Rachel pulled her car out of a snow bank. In a skirt.” That was a good day.
14.   “Rachel plays hard and has the bruises to prove it,” that was a good game of floor hockey.
15.   “Rachel is outside. Barefoot and in pajamas.” Ummm, I don’t remember what that was about.
16.   “Rachel is a thug.” A quote from a little boy, trying to make his friend scared of me.
17.   “Rachel is light-skinned,” because after working in the ghetto, my kids said I couldn’t be white.
18.   “Rachel smiled for the police photos,” the day I got punched in the eye.
19.   “Rachel rides again.” My bike.
20.   “Rachel is percolating about being purturbated.” You will just have to look that one up.
21.   “Rachel giggles at things not quite so profound.” But I forgot what it was. Dang.
22.   “Rachel fights with a saber. And wins.” You don’t want to meet me in an alley after fencing class.
23.   “Rachel talks like a pirate,” because it was “Talk like a Pirate day.” Don’t miss it.
24.   “Rachel found the limit of how many library books you can put on hold.” I think it was 75.
25.   “Rachel never measures when she makes cookies.” Or anything else, for that matter.
26.   “Rachel hit the genetic jackpot,” because she has the coolest family in the world.
27.   “Rachel is eating pumpkin pie” for Thanksgiving.
28.   “Rachel is still eating pumpkin pie,” the week after Thanksgiving.
29.   “Rachel sleeps in hammocks and eats mangos she picks off of trees,” when showing off the perks of living in Brazil.
30.   “Rachel finished every darn thing on her to do list,” and celebrated with a new status.
31.   “Rachel has more fun teaching when she is dancing.” Just saying. So I’d better change my lesson plans.
32.    “Rachel was the only one who threw her hat,” at her college graduation.

After reading through the 14 pages of my statuses from the past two years, I have come to the conclusion that I like to laugh at life. That the little rectangle box on the top of my Facebook page has provided a way of sharing thoughts, events, holidays, quotes, and random information with others. That status’ can be used to complain about things, or to cheer someone up. What do your statuses say about you?

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