Friday, May 20, 2016

About that Money (John's Post)

On my birthday I was given some money from some family members in honor of my cousin who had been to Brazil in the past. She asked that the money be used for ministry while I was in Brazil. Specific things that she asked for included buying equipment for the sports ministries and some presents for friends. 

In addition, I was also looking for other needs that I could take care of. It opened my eyes to the more simple needs instead of just looking at big things like Zika or poverty as a whole, but for small ways to help individual people.
With the money I got a soccer ball and pump for Cajueiro Claro 
A soccer ball for Guadalajara
Some books including the Chronicles of Narnia for Yasmym and Camila
And ice cream for the Soares.
I made sure to give some money to the churches that I visited and frequented, and with the rest, I gave it to pastor Flavio because his daughter got a lung infection and has been going to the doctor a lot. 
Thanks to Uncle Loren, Aunt Carol and Lillian for the money to help these people. To be able to see the needs and then be able to do something about it has been amazing. Not just standing around, but actually helping people was a welcome change.

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