Sunday, February 12, 2017

Normal People Sunday Funday

This morning my dad asked us, "Where are you going to church today?"

"Our church."

"Are you speaking?"

"No, we are just going. Like normal people."

This is our first "Normal people" Sunday, after being in the States for almost two and a half months. It is nice. It is relaxing. It is not normal-feeling. We are transitioning from our traveling phase (Connecticut, Ohio, and Illinois) to our training phase (sports, music, counseling for Caid, PR for Rachel).

Last week we were with one of my best friends (who I've known 20 years!) and speaking at two churches:
Reads from the Interwebs:
1. Personal emotional developmental library: books for issues that might come up
2. Poem: Back in the States: I feel this.
3. Telling your story with humility: an important read for short term mission trippers
4. Time for the church to face its racial history: "But I never had slaves" isn't an answer. 
6. Border crossing. As missionaries, we are the immigrants. 
7. Pre-furlough mind: exactly
8. Don't be afraid to take your kids with you: This made me cry. Because I want to hear these words some day. goals (or should be) for all in ministry with kids.
9. Let's talk about the ban on immigration: Last year I posted something about supporting refugees on Facebook and was 100% shocked when it was strongly reacted to--mostly disagreeing with me. I was blind-sided, as I didn't realize, as Christians, there was any other opinion we could have. We have to keep talking about this. We have to keep struggling and working and crying and praying and sharing about this. We cannot be silent. (All of the links at the bottom of this article are amazing as well, for more reading). 
10. What I learned from 50 shades darker: THAT movie came out, and thank goodness the secular world can see it is awful as well. But a friend pointed out: don't get upset about a movie about a man who takes what he wants sexually, and not be upset about a president who spoke the same way. Both must be spoken out against. 

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