Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Funday March

We are packing and working and sniffling (I have a bad cold) and getting in time with special people and there are so many special people...
When faced with suffering over and over: this is one of my biggest challenges in life
The sensual needs. Working to stay in love is not just for marriage
This is a mom in the trenches, and I appreciate it even if I don't agree with everything she posts
The point of sports/hobbies/music/whatnot lessons for my kids
Stuff and being from the USA...reading this as we carry six bags of stuff with us...

There were many interesting things I have seen on Facebook lately--some of them funny as well--politically wise...but I am refraining from posting them. Just because. Truth be told, I am glad to be able to physically leave that part of the USA in a couple of is easier than trying to figure things out (impossible). But it isn't an excuse to stop praying and bringing to Jesus these deep and important issues and the implications they have about and on our society.

I have come to realize that worrying, arguing, criticizing, (and whatever adjective you want to add) about politics is a privilege--one that many of my friends in Brazil do not have. Those in poverty (or still in a poverty mindset from a lack of education or relationship with Jesus) are in survival mode--making sure to get from day to day. It is easy to look down on them for "selling their vote" for a meal or two, but I have never walked in their shoes. I will try to use my privilege wisely.

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