Thursday, August 8, 2019

August Sunday Funday

Our weekly vlog:
So I am a bit behind, as this was our week with Shelbyville in July, but it is all good:). The first week of school was quite amazing actually, as Jessica (my little shy introvert) loved her first (and continuing) days at school! Sofia jumped back into school with joy, but Jessie came home singing and smiling (not as common). Mondays are my crazy days, with 9 different classes, from ages 3-14, but we are getting the organization down well. The rest of the week Jessica and I just go to school in the afternoons, with 2 or 3 classes a day. Tuesday through Friday mornings I am then free to work on Living Stones things and visit all the programs, as well as teach English there. It is interesting to see as Caid begins his music ministry, how much more music is a part of my English teaching as well.

Caid has choir at our home on Mondays and Saturdays, teaches choir at the school on Mondays, music at the trash dump community on Wednesdays, helps with Jessica while I am at Living Stones, and is expanding his music ministry and building connections in many other locations, as well as giving voice lessons. And don't forget, Taco Tuesday at our home with our English speaking community. It is looking like a full, amazing semester!
First day of school for us girls

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. If you send a Missionary some cookies: do you know the book this is based off of? It is rather perfect:)
2. "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" author says he isn't a Christian anymore: Growing up with him, and seeing many of my friends and aquantences entering this same life choice/phase/whatever it is...this is something we need to be praying about and be ready to respond as Jesus would have us to. 
3. Cross cultural Economics: "For example, our 50,000 Kenya Shilling per month rent could be $350 US dollars one month and $500 USD the next all depending on the KSh/USD comparative value. This changed our cash flow from month to month at times from famine to feast or vice versa."
4. The Stranger: " I get a bathroom break, my son plays happily while I talk to a ticket agent, and I have extra hands for my luggage and my little boy. “It’s nothing dear”, they say. But it IS something. Every kind intervention counts. We never forget them." 
5. When your last goodbye was your last goodbye: "Mary died this year . . . on the wrong side of the planet. In the city and with the people she loved . . . but nowhere near me. Wrong side. I love living abroad . . . but this part is stupid." SO IMPORTANT. 
6. Waiting is a kind of Hope: beautiful bird story for the soul. 

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