Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Resolutions from my Daughter

As I watch her sleep she seems so innocent and clean. She is more of what I want to be. She is closer to new than I am. So I'll take some tips from her:

1. Sleep is priority. Seriously, we plan our whole day around her getting a nap. Because life doesn't happen well without it. For me? This means eight hours of sleep. If I don't get it at night, I get it with her nap.
2. Talk about poop. Poop is a big subject around our home. It is important to happen and "better out than in." (-mom) For me? This means talking through life poop. Don't hold it in.
3. Everything must be labeled. Ana learned parts of the body in Portuguese and English. Now she has to poke my eye various times a day to remind me she knows. All pictures of daddy must be pointed out. Every time. for me? This means taking time to organize and label things in my life: from keeping my stuff light and simple to emotionally staying straight with God and friends and family.
4. Eat all the time. If someone is eating it, my daughter wants it. Snacking is better than meals for her. But she only eats what we give her. For me? This means only having good things around to snack on and eat. Makes me make wise choices.
5. All days are created equal. They are all and each the only thing that is important. It is all about the now. For me? This means stressing less and enjoying more. This is the day that the Lord has made.
6. Wake up talking. Ready to go. It is daytime. For me? This means setting up the night before so I can wake up ready to go.
7. Work is play and play is work. For me? This means doing both well, and enjoying both.
8. Be a compound learner. She takes the bits of knowledge from yesterday and adds it to today. For me? This means reviewing past knowledge more.
9.  Everything matters. Everything is something special and important, and yet somehow, she is never overwhelmed because she lets it go just as quickly as she picks it up (unless you want it). She doesn't know there is anything in life you are not supposed to enjoy. For me? This means being more child-like. (Still rather vague, but didn't the Bible say that first?)
10. Choose Closer. If she can choose close or closer, she chooses closer. Yes.

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