Tuesday, June 7, 2016

10 Things About Being Missionary Vloggers

So we have been talking about vlogs and vlogging and all that--especially with last month, where we posted a vlog every single day. I wanted to show you a bit of what goes into making a vlog. There are all kinds of vlogs. Some are just a collection of short videos I have of Ana Sofia. Others are documenting an event, like Easter. Some are just Caid and I talking about something we value/think is important. Sometimes, we even have a script:).
Here was our script (blog) about officially becoming missionary vloggers--and then below, you can watch the actual vlog. We know that some people prefer reading rather than watching, so will try to give you both options when we can!
1. Vlogging is video blogging. This is a relatively new (within the last 10 years) method of sharing information. Once upon a time it was slide shows and paper newsletters—then it was pictures and power point—then it was blogging and e-mails—now it is vlogging.
2. Labels are important. There was a time it was hard for me to call myself a missionary, let alone a missionary vlogger. We choose what labels stick to us, and as we choose them, they often help us choose who we become. It was hard for me to call myself a missionary because I so looked up to the title—and didn’t know if I was “good enough” to be one. It took over 5 years of working as a missionary to realize that I was one, and I was a good one.
3. We don’t know of any other missionary vloggers. I have looked on Youtube and found lots of mommy vloggers and family vloggers and fashion vloggers—but not missionary vloggers. We feel like many people don’t understand or have misconceptions about missions and missionaries, and that this is one way to show people more of what it is like.
4. We sort of “fell into” vlogging. It was Caid’s idea, as our coworker suggested that video is the best way to connect with people. Gradually I vlogged more, especially as our daughter was born, creating an insatiable desire for more footage from family members. We started watching the Shaytards and other vloggers, and realized we would need to be more intentional about it if we really wanted to make an impact.
5. We are making this up as we go. There isn’t any specific rules about vlogging—just that the really successful ones either do it VERY often (daily) or Very professional (expensive), and those things both take a lot of time. We cannot commit to daily or very professional, as we are not full-time vloggers, we are full-time missionaries. But we can give you a heartfelt weekly look into our lives.
6. Our goal is to CONNECT. As missionaries, we work in Brazil to train leaders and churches to work with the poorest kids in their communities. We work through sports and music and English classes, and we love on a lot of amazing kids. But in Brazil, we are working ourselves OUT of a job, as the kids grow into leaders and the leaders take ownership. The other side of our job is to connect Brazil to you and you to Brazil. We all (you and me and Brazil) need each other to grow and learn and challenge each other: and missionary vlogging is a strong, current tool available to us to better do this.
7. Our vlogging statement is: ”Short Ferguson Adventures to Connect and Share Missions.” Short (5 minutes) Ferguson (Fergie…that’s us) adventures (optimism on life) to connect and share missions (weekly missionary vlogs).
8. We have five kinds of vlogs. Our five playlists are 1. Missionary vlogs, 2. Short term missions vlogs (when people come visit us), 3. Music and 4. Language vlogs (other ways we do missions/ministry), and 5. Starring Ana Sofia (for the grandmothers).
9. Our goal is to build resources. As missionaries, we are also raising funds: for us and for the kids at Living Stones. We are not ashamed to say we would love to use missionary vlogging as a way to raise money (if it goes that way in the future). We will be using these videos to share needs, and share ways you can give financially, if you feel called to do so.
10. We can’t do this alone. We need your ideas and insight and comments on what videos to make! We need you to subscribe and like and share our videos with others! Maybe you are new to the vlogging world, or maybe you make your own videos—share with us, connect with us, and we will call it success!

So not everything goes as scripted...but we love sharing and doing vlogs! If you haven't gotten it by now--our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is that we are going to be making weekly vlogs--it is official!

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