Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Funday

Not every day is happy day. And sometimes this is the only picture that isn't blurry. #thestruggleisreal
Anyway, Ana was so happy at Sunday School today, and didn't go to sleep until noon, and was walking all around the church by herself...almost 10 months old (tomorrow).

To tell the truth, this is smart. The EVILEST smart I can imagine, but smart if you are trying to destroy. How is this still happening?
I have often felt my calling was doing the dishes rather than being a missionary, because if you look at the amount of time you spend doing what each week...well...(except now that my brother is here, and does the dishes for me!!)
I think my sister Anna would like this article. A bit gritty for some audiences, but has some things to think about: parenthood vs. art?
Speaking of a calling to do the dishes...what is your calling?
Anytime I see something from the WORST missionary I click it first:)
This would be one of my favorite articles this week, even if it wasn't from one of my favorite people in the world. Since it is both--BONUS.

SO. Tomorrow Ana is 10 months old (double digits!) but there will be no video (boo! hiss!) I know-but it is because Caid and I are working on putting together a WHOLE MONTH OF VIDEOS!!! YES--every single day of May a new video on Five Minutes Of Fergie (youtube channel)! and don't worry--a link on Facebook to make it easy:). Or just subscribe!!

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