Saturday, July 13, 2013

Make Poverty Real

A 16 week (one semester) class for children/teens/adults about Poverty 101

  1. What is poverty? Introduction (6) different kinds of poverty
  2. Poverty in my country (USA poverty vs. 3rd world poverty)
  3. Global poverty (100 people world infographic)
  4. Poverty in ____ (each person bring a small presentation of a country)
  5. Test/review
  6. What does poverty look like? Movies/documentaries about poverty, TED talks:,, try out dollar street:
  7. What does poverty feel/taste like? Barefoot for a day, No new clothes for a year challenge, the two dollar dinner challenge: Rice and beans for a week:
  8. What does poverty sound/smell like? The differences of urban and rural poverty, Trash workers, jobs no one wants
  9. What does poverty think like? (Different mind sets)
  10. Test/review
  11. Specific issues: Education, women and children (Half the Sky), hunger and shelter, water and sanitation:
  12. Finding your spot: report on specific area that sparks your interest to help
  13. What can I do to help? Brainstorm on your own, as a class
  14. Some ideas of what works: , millennium goals,
  15. Local, country, and global help: what to do now, tomorrow, and in the future
  16. Test/review

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