Monday, July 8, 2013

30 Lies/Fears I've Believed

  1. All you need is love
  2. “I am sorry” will fix it
  3. If it is God’s will, it will go smoothly
  4. My would will be perfect if (insert something) just happened
  5. Ignore it and it will go away
  6. Don’t be vulnerable, they will take advantage
  7. Changing my mind is betraying all I once stood for
  8. I have to be thin and pretty to be liked
  9. If you love someone they will love you back
  10. Always speak your mind
  11. Being closer to someone just means getting hurt more
  12. My mistakes messed up God’s plan for my life
  13. I am not pretty because no one notices me
  14. I am not enough as just me
  15. I will be forgotten because I am not worth remembering
  16. One day I will find out everyone was only faking it
  17. I am weak and when something scary/big happens I will be found to be a coward/failure
  18. I am not worth anything unless I am working hard to serve others or look pretty
  19. One day, God is going to get tired of forgiving me and give up on me
  20. If you really knew me, you wouldn’t like me anymore
  21. My gut instinct is always wrong
  22. I am just a hypocrite fooling myself
  23. I am going to disappoint everyone l love the most
  24. My dreams are silly and my standards are too high, I need a reality check
  25. No one will ever really understand me
  26. I can’t trust my heart and am just making up this whole ‘relationship with God’ stuff
  27. I am inadequate for the job I am being asked to do
  28. As long as I am a good girl people will like me—just try harder
  29. Be quiet, because if you are loud you will just mess up
  30. I am not pretty enough to be popular, and if people do like me, I must constantly live up to their expectations or they won’t like me anymore
  31. If I were only prettier/nicer/funnier/better/normal…I would have everything I wanted                     (For me, this was a healing exercise—to identify each of these lies, and then write out the truths beside them) 

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