Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Last of March Sunday Funday

Our weekly vlog:

We are heading back to Brazil in six weeks and I am definitely feeling the crunch. There is just so much here (to learn and to buy), and so many options to everything! I put together a list of things we need for ourselves and for ministry, if you would like to be a part of that. We spent a lot of the week trying to consolidate childhood memories/pictures from life and so much stuff that takes up storage while we are in Brazil. I am putting together an Instagram account just for memories (the baseball caught at a game, Sofia's first onesie, our graduation tassels...) to remember/write something about them, and then make a photo book to be able to look at all of them. As the girls grow up, we can take pictures of their best artwork and school projects and add them to the Instagram account--and that way keep things more mobile and less cluttered. It all sounds like a great idea--we will see how it actually works!

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. The early Christians knew how to respond to violence
2. Sitting in the Dust with the disgraced American church
3. TCK lessons: after everyone leaves: I so appreciate the continuing conversation on this!
4. A distant look back at Missions and Attrition: I find these so interesting...it has a bunch of facts and statistics about missionaries.

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