Thursday, October 11, 2018

Children's Day Sunday Funday

Children's Day is October 12, but we celebrated a little early. Here is the video (of Cajueiro Claro--more celebrations to come!):

Sunday (October 7th) was also voting in Brazil: and the results are that they get to vote again. Since they are not a two party system, like the USA, they have many parties and many people running. For a president to win, they need 50% of the vote, which is not super common in the first running. So the top two (this year, it is Bolsonaro and Haddad) will run again on October 28. The election has helped the economy though, as the Real to Dollar went down from 4.2 to 3.7.
We had a full fun week, with the World Renewal Brazil team getting together on Tuesday (always an encouragement and a blessing!), the first parent teacher conference of the last semester of school, a tropical party, and Caid preaching at PPC. We are so loved and blessed! Please pray for this next week of fun kid festivities, and the opportunities it brings to share Jesus.

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. The Answer when Shifting is Constant: I have three things that I have consistently failed to learn: driving a stick shift, doing a backflip on the trampoline, and I forget the other. Thank goodness our car in Brazil is a semi-automatic!
2. GRIT: Guide for praying for TCKs: valuable tool! We cannot forget these precious souls.
3. Don't Touch my Bacon! "We must ask ourselves: What’s more important–my rights or my witness?"
4. But I thought it was Chocolate: "Or, I can choose to allow my gracious God to teach me how to enjoy the ride, to release my tears and my fears to Him, and to trust that He really is good."
5. Don't Call your kids "World Changers:" My favorite and hard hitter this week: "When the call of God, legitimately and accurately interpreted, looks nothing like the world-domination and global impact you were primed to experience, what then?"
6. Lament for the Disbelieved: I haven't known what to say about current political events, so haven't said anything lately. Or yet. But this broke me a bit, no matter who is lying, telling the truth, or using information for personal/political gain.

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