Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Funday End of October

This has been a lot of our October:
And I am so grateful and excited to once again be a part of planning and discipling and carrying out and getting sunburnt and all that goes along with Children's Day and sharing the gospel with over 300 children. 
Caid and his choir recorded this and had a lovely evening at our house last week:

If you did not get the Living Stone's e-newsletter on Friday--let me know!

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. I am really enjoying Craig Greenfield's writing! As we talk politics- take a look at this: Five tips for dealing with corruption. And yes, I voted this week!
2. What a sad thing it is, when we show someone our heart, and they turn away, or say what we are feeling is wrong. I need to learn how to listen. WHITE PEOPLE in general--we are not listening. Not really. We have to change this, one relationship at a time. 
3. The other day I was wondering if I was becoming more of a feminist. I think reality is that I am connecting and understanding the problems feminists have been talking about. This is something the church needs to be talking about. And racism. and homosexuality. I am not okay with ignoring these things anymore. 
4. The difference between leaving for missions and coming back from missions: a big dose of humility. Well, I hope so, at least. Coming full circle on really understanding the things you say you believe. Quite scary stuff, actually. 

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