Monday, July 2, 2018

July Sunday Funday

Our weekly vlog:
We celebrated Ana Sofia's birthday on Monday, and Caid was busy translating for two short term mission trips that were here in Brazil. One of the mission trips, a group from New Jersey, always (for the last three years) runs English camp for the International school, and has a special time for all the women in general, and for ministry leaders (women). The women leadership time is the only time we really get all the pastor's wives and women leaders together all year for all the Community and Friends churches--it was a lovely and refreshing time. Brazil is also doing well in the World Cup, which is a really big deal here (seriously, EVERYTHING stops for a game that Brazil plays in).
Reads from the Interwebs:
1. Asking the right question: about citizenship (from a missionary perspective, not the hot button current topic...but if you want to talk about how that overlaps...)
2. For all the anniversaries and weddings: Ann Voskamp
3. On the yoga mat as it is in heaven: I enjoyed reading this
4. Four ways to avoid the white savior complex in Missions: an important subject that is covered well here! (not completely, as it is a big issue--but a good beginning place!)
5. Brazil's plan to fight poverty: a little nervous about getting too excited about this too soon!
6. Ted Talk: This woman!

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