Monday, June 25, 2018

Last June Sunday Funday

Here is our weekly vlog:
Last week, for those of you who didn't know, was Juneteenth and World Refugee Day (for my woke folk). It has been a frustrating week on social media as I have strong views on those seeking asylum, and many people I love disagree with me. I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place as I do not agree with, and cringe at much of what is said by many Republicans, but am horrified when I see how many Democratic friends respond to them--the hatred stuns me as much, if not more than the heartlessness they are reacting against. I finally posted this: 
Because almost everyone who posted things, I knew personally--at least a bit. And I knew they were loving, caring people--even if they were calling for more separation of families, or even if they were calling those calling for those things "evil and undeserving of life." There is always more to the story. There is always a story, and as Brene Brown says, "Everyone has a story or a struggle that will break your heart. And, if we’re really paying attention, most people have a story that will bring us to our knees." So I will continue to apply this principle to my life as I listen to stories of those seeking asylum. And I will continue to apply this principle to my life as I watch people don "Make America Great Again" hats. 
On a lighter note, Jessica is now six months old, and Sofia is three today:

Last week was the end of the first semester of Living Stones, and finals for all my English classes:)

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. What to do in a crisis of faith: I enjoyed this perspective, because I think other people's crisis of faith often rocks me more than my own 
2. When the world feels like it's on fire: Sit. Listen. Cry. #Choose Welcome
3. I think it is okay to be an alien: As I read the articles this week around the word "Alien," I realized I've now been serving in Brazil for 15 years (not in the country that whole time, but since 2004). Wow. 

4. The weight of inequality and the baby right in front of me: Tears and YES--so heavy sometimes, but our weight to carry and then do as God calls us to. NEVER FORGET.
5. I am not a racist: This starts with me realizing me.
6. Ending on a lighter note: How many words do you need to speak a language? 50, it seems:) YESSSSSSSSSSS!

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