Monday, February 19, 2018

Lent Sunday Funday

Our weekly vlog:
We worked on our relaxing skills (which is harder than you would think to do with little munchkins) during Carnaval, including a game day at the Turners (see above video) and Jessica's first (failed) attempt at swimming (again in the vlog). Valentine's Day and Lent were on the same day, but Valentine's Day isn't celebrated in Brazil (They have Boyfriend/girlfriend day June 12th), so we didn't do much, but had some lovely celebratory sushi. We are very excited to start up our new semester schedule this week! We will let you know how that goes! Our little squishy (Jessica's current nickname) is two months old:
Reads from the Interwebs:

2. Five ways to encourage your child to shine: LOVED this guys' first book- can't wait to read this one!
3.Where Love Leads: because not everyone gets a clear "GO HERE NOW" from God
4. How Ethnocentrism is lost in the wanderer's heart
5. When Cancer, Gunfire, Grief, Lent and the unfairness of God wreck us: love this Lent calendar! Ann Voskamp has the neatest stuff. Weeping with those in Florida.

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