Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sunday Funday Brazil

Quite a week! Here is the video from last week, sharing about the Justice Conference (which I still have not mentally and emotionally finished unpacking):
We set out on our journey to Brazil on Wednesday, but three planes later (and still in Indiana) and 8 hours later we returned to my parent's home. We set out again on Friday, with much better results, and even a stop at Miami beach:
Tired but happy, we arrived on Saturday, rested Sunday, and did basic unpacking/shopping. Each time back, we work on one big purchase for our home, and this time it was a bed (pictures to come!). Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragements!

Reads from the Interwebs:

Since we were gone for longer than 3 months, I had to get a new phone number in Brazil. Here is my new number for whatsapp, or if you want to call me in Brazil: +55 (81) 99608-6912. Thanks!

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