Monday, June 12, 2017

Sunday Funday June (LAST ONE IN THE USA)

We are heading out in a couple of days! So the suitcases and packing and organizing are underway. Here is the video from last week:
Caid loved being a part of Spring Hill day camp at Horizon Central last week, and last weekend we headed up to Chicago and I was able to attend the Justice Conference 2017 (while Caid and Ana had daddy/daughter time). It was such a blessing, and a vlog is coming soon (and many blog ideas once I get them sorted through in my head).

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. Short Term Missions Trips don't prepare you for Long-Term Missions (and aren't supposed to. They are completely different things).
2. Resilient people we work on transitions, resilience is a must! Love these Biblical examples.
3. Biggest Corruption scheme ever. So this is an interesting (a bit long) article on some of South America's epidemic corruption. This is a good read for people trying to understand (like me) how exactly this is such an embedded part of the culture.

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