Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day Sunday Funday

Our weekly vlog is, well...I made three language videos this week, so regular vlog making has been on hold. Our Mother's Day celebrations are split between this and next week, so that video will be ready next week. Feel free to practice English, though:).
Happy Mother's Day! 

I hold my breath
As I watch my children 
Live the life
I have chosen for them

The struggle of things 
I didn’t know were hard 
The victory of challenges
I have still yet to conquer

It is beautiful and heart-breaking 
These human that came from me
But aren’t me
Will I spend my whole life
In this breathless wonder-worry?

Reads from the Interwebs:
1. Grief and Benji the sheep: some amazing insights on grief from my second cousin (I think? We are related, whatever it is)
2. Raise real world changers: one of my favorite bloggers blogging on another favorite blog:)
3. Top 10 most valuable mindsets for Mks and TCKs: forget them--I need these for me!
4. The butchered sheep we could not name: This resonated with me: "In all sincerity, I was glad our neighbors were comfortable enough to tease me."
6. Summer: the expat season of goodbye: As our two closest families are currently gone, we are feeling the ache. I am realizing that my biggest coping mechanism is to just "HOLD ON" until they come back (or I come back, or go back, or whatever). And while this works for short absences, it definitely isn't a long-term solution. 

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