1. Please refrain from connecting yourselves with, or not speaking against, the extremists on your side. It just takes one bad apple to make the whole bunch look like old, cranky "Don't touch my gun" people.
(I was shocked at the sarcasm aimed at a minor by someone in government)
2. Please be open to discussion about some precautions for school shooting and other incidents involving guns (such as the tragic rate of gun deaths in Chicago). I do not feel that getting rid of guns will solve school shootings. There is no one answer to big issues and tragedy: there are many tools needed in the toolbox. Yes, kids not bullying others is another issue that needs to be addressed: but there is no either/or here.3. Please refrain from conspiracy theories.
(When it comes to kids and dying, you better have more proof before you accuse)
4. Please realize that if it really was a liberal con, THEY WON because of your horrible response (or failure to speak out about those responding wrongly--please see bullet point #1).
(really, guys?)
5. Please take a minute to remember what it was like to be 17. (LONG PAUSE) I rest my point.
As a 17 year old, I spoke passionately about many things. Some of them I was completely wrong about. Many of my ideas came from other people around me, that I admired. I was influenced by others. I jumped on many bandwagons. This, I think, is part of growing up. And thank God I didn't have a bunch of adults making fun of, or berating, or just being plain old mean to me about it. Instead, I had a community that supported me, loved me, and corrected me (in love and by example) when I needed it.
(For shame, Internet. For shame.)
6. Please do not think that finding another problem means that the first problem isn't valid.
I think #walkup is valid and important. I loved the school where each student put 17 encouraging post-it notes on lockers around the school. I think addressing bullying is important. But for many people, it became a pro-gun fight to replace #walkout, which is another important and valid issue. That is twisted. Do good and be kind because it is right, not because you want to keep guns.
7. Please realize that people fight for what they have felt and experience. Especially when they are 17 (see bullet point #5). Those kids just went through something horrible. Maybe they did bully someone. Maybe you did too when you were in high school. Maybe they are not speaking based on facts or reality. Maybe you did too when you were in high school. But if you cannot do your politics without belittling others, then you are doing it wrong. If you don't agree with the Florida shooting victims, that is fine. But let them use their first amendment right to talk about it, #walkout, and march without treating kids like trash.