Thursday, May 21, 2015


My husband introduced me to this word, VLOGGING, sometime last year. If you don't know and don't want to ask, it is the words "video blogging" squished together. I have been blogging since 2005, but vlogging is new.
When we were thinking/praying/wondering/discussing coming back to Brazil as missionaries, one of the conversations we had with Jeff (THE tech guy on our crew), he told us to be good communicators with our supporters: "It used to newsletters. Then it was e-mails. Then it was blogs. Now it is videos." And since he knows me well, he added "SHORT videos. Attention span is about 2-3 minutes."
1. Caid's first "official" vlog, documenting the Winzeler family
2. Documenting my American baby shower
3. Visiting the amazing Charbonnel family
4. Random vlogs: time with John, time with our godchildren, a favor for my mom
In Brazil:
1. Arriving/apartment before and after 
2. Easter at the school and with Living Stones
3. A week in our lives
4. Random: beach time and Mother's day present
Caid has done an amazing job putting together vlogs for us, and it is catchy. Now I want in. I've been putting together ministry videos for a couple years now, ever since I figured out the free "Movie Maker" on my computer and did this. But vlogging and Caid's creativity has led to a whole other dimension, and I think it is time I figure this thing out.
These are some of my "Crossovers," between typical ministry videos and vlogs:
1. Mother's day with a touch of what it's like to be preggers
2. Trek updates with random discussion
3. Computer class dream with specifics

To become better at anything, you need to learn from the best. This guy seems to know, and then I found this family and really see the potential of...well...anything. So after being inspired, it seems like the next step is to figure out our "genre" of vlog. Here are some major types (no, I did not watch all of these:
Gamer/Video game
"How to"
Top Vlogs 2014
From what I saw, I think it is safe to say every phase of life, hobby, skill...has plenty of people posting vlogs about it. So what about Caid and I? After studying some pregnancy vlogs, family vlogs, missionary vlogs...I think there is definitely some space for improvement and attempts from the Fergusons to vlog. YESSSSSSSS.
So, we are calling Caid's youtube channel and my blog "Five Minutes of Fergie" with the tag line: "Short Bursts of the Ferguson Family's Adventures." And yes, I will try to keep everything to five minutes.

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