Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Six Months Pregnant

I've been reading my baby books (and getting all of the rest out of the library), so now I feel slightly confident when talking about pregnancy. One thing I watched was saying that many people study/know more about the new cell phone they are buying than about giving birth--I will not be that person. It struck me how I need to not only take ownership of my body, pregnancy, and giving birth, but also take pride in it. As one person said "If I can do this, I can do anything." I agree.

We hit our first "hiccup" after my blood work came back. Apparently, I am RH negative. It isn't very common, but until 1968, around 10,000 children died every year from this blood issue. It means I am missing (negative) a certain protein on the top of my red blood cells. If my blood mixes with the baby's blood (assuming the baby is not RH negative, as less than 15% of white people are--much less for every other race), I will form antibodies--and then the NEXT baby is screwed, as my body will actually fight against it, thinking it is an intruder. 

They have a simple shot that they suggest I take before I leave for Brazil (in case of car accident/something that causes blood mixing before birth), and then another shot after birth (If the baby is not RH negative), to make sure my next kid doesn't get screwed. (Next kid...ha! Not thinking about that yet). I have studied up on this shot and feel okay about it...but heavens...getting shots seems to be a whole other issue I now have to deal with....great. 

It has been an amazing month--with an incredible baby shower and blessing story. Caid is almost done with his LAST CLASS to graduate with his bachelor's degree (straight As!), and we are enjoying our time visiting friends and family and sharing about Brazil. We are turning the last corner in getting ready for Brazil--7 months pregnant will be at our new apartment in Brazil!!!

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