Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Let's Talk Money

Caid, Ana Sofia and I are home on furlough to raise funds for a car.This car, to be exact:
1. Volkswagen brand because it is most durable, and easiest to fix (parts)
2. Voyage model because it has trunk space (carrying things to Living Stones) and kid space
3. A nearly new vehicle (1.6 lt. engine) because of wear/tear from the horrible rural back roads 
We need a vehicle because:
1. Without it, more time is spent in transportation than in ministry with the kids
2. With a baby, public transportation isn’t safe/healthy
3. To bring volunteers/supplies to Living Stones programs

After going through our finances, we realized our goals were:
1. $300 personal monthly support as missionaries
2. $400 Living Stones monthly support
3, $15,000 for plane tickets, taxes, and a car ($11,000)

We have been SO blessed and are SO excited to let you know that generous people have given and God has provided and our new numbers are;
1. $200 personal monthly support needed
2. $200 Living Stones monthly support
3. $9,000 for a car

Taxes and plane tickets have been covered--we are returning to Brazil March 16!
We thank you all for your prayers as we have finished our big trips (to Ohio, Connecticut, Virginia, and Illinois) and so will be around more in the Indy area. We would love to set up meeting with each and every one of you! As far as our speaking schedule,

January 31: at Brookville Road Community Church
February 14: at Horizon Central
February 21: at Shelbyville Community Church
February 28: at Brandywine Community Church
March 6: open
March 13: open 


  1. I am so glad you have these relationships with community churches,guys! Need to get together before you go!!

  2. I am so glad you have these relationships with community churches,guys! Need to get together before you go!!

    1. yes! we leave March 16--so lets make a meet up happen!

  3. Deus é Fiel! Amem! Deus mande vocês de volta pro brasil! pois é importante tê-los aqui!

  4. Família abençoada e muito importante em nosso meio! Deus abençoe sempre.
