Sunday, December 4, 2016

December Sunday Funday

Caid and Ana Sofia are upstairs, laughing with my mom about a funny story from when I was little. I just made raspberry short-cake (raspberries are better than strawberries). We are back in Indianapolis. It was and is and will be a big transition, as transitions take time (I think that is the whole point). We put together two videos before we left, to share with some special kids here in the USA:

Tuesday night, before we left, Pastor Flavio's car was totaled. Luckily, all of the people involved, including two from the Living Stones program, are fine, health wise. Unfortunately, Pastor Flavio is now without a vehicle. I hope to be posting more (and what you can do to help!) soon. 
I will also post a separate blog about returning home. 

Reads from the Interwebs:
2. Come as you are:  "As a woman, I have spent most of my marriage and all of my motherhood crucifying myself between two thieves. The one is perfection and the other is failure."
3. Controversial Christian books you should read: just because you disagree doesn't mean you shouldn't read it--in fact, it is almost more of a reason to read it. 
4. Secondary Trauma: a great read from a good friend: "While the feeling of being a safe haven is amazing, the reality of it is intense."
5. Dear Children of Aleppo: so apparently, #givingtuesday was a thing and I missed it. Next year! But seriously, this breaks my heart, and I think Christmas is about making sure our hearts remember to break and be broken. #WithAleppo 

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